The Mathematics and Information Science Building on the main campus of the Warsaw University of Technology

Mathematics (in Polish)
The Master's program in mathematics offers the following concentrations:
- Insurance and Financial Mathematics
- Statistics and Data Analysis
- Applied Mathematics
- Mathematics in Computer Science
Computer Science and Information Systems (formerly Computer Science)
Graduates have a thorough knowledge of computer science and are educated in mathematics to a high level. The ability to solve problems single-handedly and apply practical computer science-based solutions to various technological and social areas is one of the skills graduates acquire throughout their course. They develop a theoretical and practical comprehension of geometrical modelling methods, parallel programming, theory of algorithms and calculations, numerical methods and advanced systems of databases. They are equipped to work in enterprises with diverse business profiles, which make use of advanced IT solutions, in particular in companies creating software, IT consultancy companies, in the advanced technology sector, in financial institutions and also in higher education institutions, where they can carry out scientific research work. Depending on the study profile the graduate may find employment as a research worker, software designer and creator, manager of a programming team, information system administrator, designer, computer network designer and administrator, specialist in data protection and information system security, or manager of projects related to the application of computational methods in various disciplines.
Data Science (studies in English, this program was previously in Polish)
M.Sc. Data Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
Duration: 1.5 (standard)
or 2 years (extended - supplemented by one semester, for students who require additional preparation)
Starts in October (4 semester program) and February (3 semester program)
The M.Sc. program in Data Science run by the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science is among the first European programs in Data Science and is fully focused on data engineering and data analytics. The Data Science program provides in-depth knowledge and skills needed to process and analyze growing volumes of data. Students learn about data processing and analytic techniques used for structured and unstructured data. Special emphasis is placed upon natural language processing and the analysis of network data (including social networks). The program also builds programming skills in languages most suited for data processing (such as Python). This is combined with in-depth coverage and experience in the use of Big Data processing, including key platforms such as Apache and Cloud Computing, including collaboration with top cloud providers.
As far as data analytics is concerned, special attention is given to machine learning methods. This includes deep learning and methods focused on network and text analysis and contributes to the knowledge of artificial intelligence. The program combines the knowledge of key algorithms, methods, languages and platforms used in data acquisition, storage, processing, analysis and visualization with hands-on experience in solving real-world problems defined by the industry.
Each student chooses a scientific advisor from among academic and research staff. Last semester is mainly devoted to M.Sc. thesis preparation. Data Science students can also spend a semester studying in one of cooperating European universities as a part of student exchange program.
The Data Science team is a group of researchers with major international collaboration, active in international research community which presents its research at major scientific events.
Graduates are prepared to work as data scientists and data engineers in the most competitive enterprises including, but not limited to high-tech, IT and financial sector companies. They can also continue their education as PhD candidates, as data science offers many challenging research topics.
Sample modules:
Advanced Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Cloud Computing
Data Exploration and Visualization
Big Data Analytics
Natural Language Processing
Social Networks and Recommendation Systems
Management of Organization and Intellectual Property in ICT Industry
Przygotowanie i uruchomienie studiów II stopnia kierunku Inżynieria i Analiza Danych (ang. Data Science), zrealizowane zostało w ramach zadania 10 projektu „NERW PW. Nauka – Edukacja – Rozwój – Współpraca” współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.
MSc program in Data Science has been developed as a part of task 10 of the project „NERW PW. Science - Education - Development - Cooperation” co-funded by European Union from European Social Fund.

The Mathematics and Information Science Building on the main campus of the Warsaw University of Technology