Computer Science – Undergraduate studies

Daria Hubernatorova

Only 4 years ago I could not think that I can study here in Poland. I’ve been programming at high school and I knew that I want to connect my future with Computer Science. Studies in Poland – it was a decision that definitely influenced my further development. My choice was – Warsaw University of Technology as the best technical university in Poland. Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science (MINI) was definitely a good choice because it combined my interest in mathematics and in Computer Science. For many, the first years were difficult but allowed to learn the basics. It is not the case that all subjects are related to programming. You can choose elective subjects to find out where IT is applicable and what are the latest trends in this field. As I studied Computer Science, I met people from different countries. The knowledge gained here will definitely find its application in professional life. I can say that this knowledge helps me to approach the problem from different sides and critical thinking developed here helps to find a good solution. And a lot of team projects give you the opportunity to develop your soft skills. I am pleased to recommend this faculty to everyone as a place of development and interesting learning.




Ada Wrońska

Ada Wrońska

I fulfilled my dream. I am a graduate of Bachelor studies in Computer Science.
I got to know the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science during MiNI (polish abbreviation for the name of the faculty) Mathematics Academia, which I attended ever since the first grade of high school. I fell in love with the atmosphere, which was created by the lecturers and tutors, but also by students, who were helping with the organization. Ever since MiNI started constructing its new building, each and every time I was passing by it, I thought to myself that I will be a student of this Faculty. Finally, I was accepted to my dream studies. I decided to study Computer Science to ensure more possibilities for myself in the future.

During the course, I met wonderful people, with whom I created many wonderful memories. We are still creating them. Computer Science students are people who are intelligent, open-minded, tolerant and very friendly. I also met amazing tutors, who used their knowledge and experience to motivate us and give us the example how to deal with problems that are not the only study related. Many of them I consider setting the example and being a motivation for all students starting a scientific career.

At the beginning of my studies, it was a bit hard due to the language barrier, but after a month or two I got used to studying in English. The first two years were focused on getting to know the basics of computer science and related fields. For many, those years were deciding, but I knew computer science is my passion, so I learned it quickly. On my third year of studies, we started choosing the so-called electives. It allowed us to put our studies in the direction of our interests. For me, thanks to that, I found a way to develop my knowledge and passion. Thanks to the professor conducting the subject, I shaped that passion into my Bachelors. Electives gave me a chance for my own scientific development. Thanks to a bit of luck, amazing professors and hard work, one of the projects, written by me and my friend as an Agent Systems project, became a scientific paper. On the third year, I began my internship on the Faculty, due to which I got to know it from the very inside.
I am gladly recommending each and every student interested in studying computer science (and especially programming) studying Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at Warsaw University of Technology.

Computer Science – Graduate studies

Andra Umoru

When it comes to preparing IT professionals in Poland, the MINI faculty is a sure plug. Graduates of this faculty stand tall above others in the IT job market. During my studies at the faculty, my skills and problems solving capabilities were greatly improved through the classes, projects, and tutorial sessions undertook under the mentorship of the professors of repute within the faculty.






Elham Shahrour

My name is Elham Shahrour. I was a student from Syria who came to Poland with the passion to make one of her dreams come true. And yes, today I am officially a Master’s degree graduate from Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, the field of study: Computer Science, specialization: Artificial Intelligence.
I think that what is interesting about studying Computer Science is the way it affects your thinking and mental skills making them more logical and creative, which can help you to solve problems faster and more effectively. Moreover, if you always wonder how new technologies, expert systems, authentication and security systems etc., which invade our lives nowadays, work and become ‘smart’, studying Computer Science will give you the knowledge on the processes and help you understand what is going on behind the scenes.
I was lucky to get the opportunity to study at such a well-known and highly internationally reputed university like Warsaw University of Technology and be a student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science (MINI) for about two years. I was really satisfied with my study program since it covered many topics of my interest and many other different aspects of Computer Science like Neural Networks, Data Mining, High-Performance Computing, Image Processing etc., which will help me to develop myself in IT career. The professors, instructors, staff and all the people at the MINI Faculty were great, cooperative and very helpful.
During those two years, besides the valuable knowledge I gained and receiving my diploma, I met people from almost all over the world, made new friends, participated with them in many interesting events, learned more about their cultures and made unforgettable memories which I will hold with me when I am back home. I am grateful for what I achieved here in Poland and very thankful to everyone who was a part of it.

Eyad Kannout

Eyad KanoutMy name is Eyad Kannout. I have successfully completed my Master’s degree in Computer Science at Warsaw University of Technology, with the final grade excellent. Currently, I am delivering the labs of Databases course at Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science (MiNI).

Computer Science is radically changing the way in which we experience our world. When you study computer science, you can strengthen your thinking skills, engage in computational thinking in which logic, abstraction, and creativity come together to help you to solve intellectually interesting problems. The most interesting thing about Computer Science for me is that there are endless possibilities for discovering a new way of doing things.

I chose Warsaw University of Technology due to its reputation for academic excellence in natural sciences and Engineering, both in Poland and internationally.
Computer Science Programme at Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science is more than programming and creating web pages. During your studies, you will cover all aspects of Computer Science including the underlying principles and theory. This programme equips students with the skills needed to contribute to this exciting and rapidly evolving field. This combination of skills will enable the graduates to keep pace with this fast-moving subject and secure rewarding careers that can be pursued almost anywhere in the world.
This programme is very flexible, it allows you choose some elective courses that reflect your developing and changing interests in several areas, such as Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Intelligence.
After I have completed my Master’s studies in Computer Science, I am pretty sure that it was a great chance for myself to deepen my knowledge in several research areas and study under the supervision of prominent teachers and scientists, within a well-equipped research facility and in a hectic academic atmosphere.