Who can become an exchange student at WUT?
- You have been selected by your home University for an Erasmus exchange at WUT.
- You have to be at least in your second year of Bachelor studies during the mobility.
- You have to have confirmation of English knowledge at minimum B2 level.
Before Mobility
Before your mobility starts, you should complete some of the formalities shown below. Website where you can find general WUT rules for Erasmus+ students: https://erasmus.pw.edu.pl/erasmusen/Incoming-Students .
- The list of courses offered at MiNI Faculty can be found here:
- If you would like, you can choose up to 1 course from other Faculties (in particular from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology). However, you are allowed to choose only those courses which are not conducted by MiNI Faculty.
- As a general rule, Erasmus+ students choose courses taught in English, except in situations where you speak Polish, then you can also choose from polish language courses.
- You can also choose language courses or PE – more info in the section „During the Mobility”.
Student Accommodation Committee is responsible for accommodation at MiNI Faculty. Below you can find all websites with up-to-date information:
- General web of Student’s Houses: https://sspw.pl/en/enkwaterunek/ , https://akademiki.pw.edu.pl/Domy-Studenckie
- All most up-to-date information: https://www.facebook.com/SEKS.SSPW
- Contact to the Chairman of the Student Accommodation Committee: kkw@samorzad.pw.edu.pl
- Application: https://www.facebook.com/SEKS.SSPW,
- Contact to the Faculty Accommodation Committee for Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, WKK.MiNI@samorzad.pw.edu.pl
Insurance and Visa
All information about insurance and visa during your mobility can be found here: https://erasmus.pw.edu.pl/erasmusen/Incoming-Students/Insurance, https://erasmus.pw.edu.pl/erasmusen/Incoming-Students/Visa.
Application Deadlines
The nomination has to be done by the coordinator at your home University. It has to be done between:
- 1-31 May for applications for the first semester (September-January)
- 1-30 November for applications for the second semester (February-July)
by email: erasmus(dot)mini(at)pw(dot)edu(dot)pl
The nomination should include:
- student’s name
- major field of study
- year of study
- time for which the student is applying (summer semester/winter semester/year*) * – year only in a given calendar year
Submission of documents
You have to submit all the necessary documents by:
- By the 15th of December for the winter semester
- By the 15th of January for the summer semester
Required documents:
· Learning Agreement – completed and signed by the coordinator from the home university
- Language requirements: confirmation of English knowledge atB2 level. An international certificate or a certificate issued by your home University is accepted.
- Filled Personal Form
- Declaration of a person coming to Warsaw University of Technology as a guest (with the date of arrival) https://erasmus.pw.edu.pl/erasmusen/Incoming-Students/How-to-apply
During the mobility
- The student will be registered for the courses declared in the Learning Agreement before the beginning of the semester. In exceptional cases, e.g. when a course doesn’t start in a given semester, the coordinator will inform you about this situation and will suggest another course as a substitute.
- Changes of subjects in the LA are possible only during the first two weeks of classes – after that, the registration process is closed.
- Students enrolled in a given course are required to report to the instructor (contact information in the USOS system under the course tab) no later than the end of the second week of classes.
- The incoming student may enrol in the Polish language and in a specific subject from the language declared in the LA – details at:
Registration directly on SJO PW website
- If a student chooses a PE subject, they have to enrol individually, directly at the Physical Education Department https://www.swfis.pw.edu.pl/Physical-education-classes
Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator
Paweł Wójcicki
Dean’s Proxy for International Student Exchange Programs
Erasmus+ Office
Revised on 27 May 2022